First time experiencing a massage?

Here is what you can expect:

You and your therapist will first discuss a treatment plan for your session and you will fill out new client paperwork.

Your therapist will leave the room and give you privacy to disrobe to your level of comfort and get onto the massage table. During your massage you will be draped (covered with a sheet) at all times, with only the part of your body that is getting worked on uncovered. A typical massage includes work on your head, face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, hands, legs, feet, glutes and abdomen.

Your therapist will check in with you about the pressure being applied. Please communicate about pressure, techniques being used and if there are any areas you would like more or less time spent on.

When your treatment is over, the therapist will leave the room and give you privacy to get dressed. Take your time getting up as some people can experience dizziness after a treatment. Don’t forget to drink lots of water!